Envision Dietetics is a Dietetic Private Practice that specializes in eating disorder therapy and dietary education. Envision Dietetics focuses on a variety of nutritional concerns such as food allergy management and eating disorder management. We are committed to forming relationships with clients looking to better themselves, manage chronic diseases, and much more. Envision Dietetics is here to improve our client's quality of life, so get in touch to learn more and start building a healthier lifestyle.
Specializing in nutritional counseling in the areas of eating disorders and food allergies, Rebekah Gaydosh Varnell is a registered and licensed dietitian. Rebekah has a Bachelor of Science and Masters in Business Administration from the University of Alabama, has completed multiple supervised dietetic internships, and graduated from the Coordinated Program in Dietetics.
Rebekah is passionate about nutrition education and bettering the well-being of her clients. Her goal is to help her clients reach their maximum quality of life through manageable lifestyle changes and create a positive and enjoyable experience with food. Rebekah walks with her clients every step of the way in order to assist her clients in meeting their goals.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Alabama Dietetic Association
International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD)
Phi Upsilon Omicron Honor Society
Manderson Women in Business